About Us

From many years BRANDED UPDATES has been a thought leader on the business of running websites. Get to-the-minute information and analysis on upcoming technology, trends, and statistics for driving success online.


BRANDED UPDATES is a global media brand of unparalleled trust and authority, with an audience of more than 100 million people worldwide across our platforms. Created in 2017, BRANDED UPDATES began as the first weekly news magazine: a digest of world events, for busy people to read. Today, BRANDED UPDATES includes a website; a magazine; a social media footprint of over 51 million.

Our contributors include industry insiders, executives, and experts from top agencies and brands nationwide. Find useful information on every topic critical to online success, including search engine optimization and marketing, website design, content management, blogging, ecommerce, online advertising, email marketing, analytics, Web software, and applications, customer service/customer relationship management, social media, Web hosting, mobile Web and more.

‍“The good news is that every morning we have the choice; not to be controlled by circumstances nor our past but by purposely designing our day, hence our lives better. Not to react to life but to respond with love.” — Bernard Kelvin Clive.”

BU’s mission is to provide trusted guidance about the ideas and people who shape and improve the world. This promise lives at the center of our award-winning editorial work, fast-growing new divisions, innovative new products, and partner solutions.


Ethics Policy

BU seeks to be the most trusted media company in the world. We are committed to producing journalism that meets the highest standards. No matter the subject or the intended audience, Our’s journalism should reflect our commitment to quality and to integrity. The reputation of the company and the respect accorded to our journalism depend on upholding these shared values.


When an error in published work is brought to our attention, BRANDED UPDATES takes the matter seriously and, if confirmed, will run a correction promptly in the medium in which the error occurred (digital, video, social). For stories on brandedupdates.com, a note is appended to the story indicating that the text has been corrected.

Advertising and Branded Content:

BRANDED UPDATES makes money through advertisements and branded content. Advertisements and branded content are created and sold independently of  branded updates’s newsroom. All branded content is clearly labeled. Advertisements do not reflect the views of BU’s editorial staff.

Occasionally, packages, stories, and newsletters created independently by the editorial team may be sponsored by an advertiser and thus contain a “sponsored by” label. Editorial content that is sponsored is created in the same manner as other editorial content and adheres to the same editorial standards.

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